
Classical Ballet

Services provided

Private Coaching

One-on-one (in Little Rock, Arkansas or special travel arrangements) & on-line coaching 

  • Science-infused classical/contemporary ballet technique and artistic training
  • Ballet variations 
  • Also available for contemporary and Jazz solos

Master Classes/workshops

  • Week long residencies in technical and artistic proficiency 
  • Week long residencies also available in pedagogy


  • Video analysis of technique, execution, ballet variations, contemporary or jazz solos
  • FaceTime and phone consultations about SuganoSystemBallet approach to ballet technique.
  • Ballet pedagogy (how-to/why, strengthening/conditioning, class plans for teachers) 

Summer intensives

  •  Classes in Ballet, Pointe work, and Variations

Contact me for Pricing and SCHEDULINg

Do you experience pain in your hip flexors, low back, knees, quads, or ankles?

Do you want stream-lined muscles, to dance with more turnout, higher extensions, or more turns?

Do you find your feet are constantly sickling?

I can help you solve these problems and more, as well as help you dispel some of the common myths about ballet technique. 

What to Expect

“Ballet technique” includes and not limited to alignment/centered weight placement and how both impact turnout, ergonomic and efficient execution of movement. Additionally, students learn which muscles are used to initiate movement, prevent injury and promote longevity. How-to/why from barre to centre and the relationship of barre exercises to centre floorwork: balance, control, attack, timing, musicality, phrasing, quality of movement, turns, jumps.

Quicker Repeatable Results

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